Equity Release

Borrow funds using your equities or digital assets as collateral.

Use your investment portfolio to access funds

Borrow up to 70% of the value of your stock or digital asset portfolio

Unlock your equity

Use your shares or digital assets as collateral for your loan

Industry leading LVR

Obtain a loan of up to 70% of your collateral value

Competetive Interest Rate

A competetive interest rate that is deducted from the funds you borrow

Digital Asset Backed Loans

Get the most out of your digital assets – borrow against the value of your digital asset holdings.

Equity Loan Facility

Borrow against the value of your ASX stock portfolio while maintaining beneficial ownership of your shares.

As with any investment product, there are risks

Performance Risk

The value of your securities may fall in value over the term of the loan.

Borrowing to Invest

Leverage can magnify gain and losses with any investment.

Breakeven Risk

To profit on your investment, the gains must be greater than the borrowing costs.

Insolvency Risk

If the lender fails and becomes insolvent, you may not receive a payment you’re entitled to.